Are you, or is someone you know detained under Immigration powers in a removal or detention centre, and potentially facing deportation from the UK? We are on hand to help you.
About Immigration Bail:
If you, or someone you know, has been detained in an
immigration removal centre or detention centre, you may be
able to apply for immigration bail.
The applicant detainee may apply for immigration bail either
a) Through the Home Secretary (Secretary of State Bail):
This application can be made at any point after your arrival to
the UK.
b) To The First- Tier Tribunal (Immigration & Asylum
This is for applicants who have arrived in the UK more than 8
days ago, prior to their application being made. Under this
route, your bail application will be determined by an
independent judge.
What Will Increase Your Chances of Being
Granted Immigration Bail:
Various factors will be taken into consideration in determining
whether the applicant should be granted immigration bail.
These include but are not limited to; how long you have been
detained for and the realistic prospect of removing you from
the UK within a reasonable period, the strength of your
community and family ties, the likelihood of you absconding
bail and your bail conditions, your immigration history, the
release accommodation available to you, whether you have a
criminal record or have breached the terms of any previous
bail conditions etc.
Your application is also more likely to succeed if:
•You have a potential address to live at in the UK.
•You have a guarantor/ financial supporter, who will forfeit
money, should you not comply with the conditions of you bail.
Condition of Immigration Bail:
If you are granted immigration bail, you will be subject to at
least one of the following conditions of your bail.
•A condition requiring the applicant to appear before the
Secretary of State or the First-tier Tribunal at a specified time
and place.
•A condition restricting the applicant’s work, occupation or
studies in the UK
•A condition about the applicant’s residence, restricting where
the applicant will reside.
•A condition requiring the applicant to report to the Secretary
of State or other person specified
•An electronic monitoring condition.
•Any other additional conditions that are deemed fit giving the
circumstances of the case, e.g. a curfew; or a requirement to
notify the Home Office of a change in circumstances.
The number of immigration conditions imposed will vary
according to the circumstances of your individual case.
How We Can Help:
•We understand being detained is a highly anxious experience
and are able to provide emergency immigration bail
assistance, office support, immediate guidance and help in
and and out of office hours- Text or Call us for immediate
assistance on: 07778015365
•We will assess the full circumstances of your case, advising
you on the immigration bail application process.
•We are able to submit an application for immigration bail on
your behalf, and provide representations supporting your
•We are able to represent you at any subsequent immigration
bail hearing.