If you are a non -UK national, wishing to apply to join family members in the UK, for a period exceeding 6 months, as a spouse, a fiancé, a partner, a child, parent or relative, you may wish to apply for a family visa.
You may also be eligible to switch to a family visa in order to stay with you child, fiancé, or partner, if you are currently living in the UK on a different visa .
There are many variations of a family visa, depending on your relationship with the UK settled person. We are equipped to handle all aspects of family migration, and can advise you on your visa application and process.
The Adult-Dependent Visa Application
This visa is for persons who want to enter and live in the UK under
exceptional circumstances as a dependent parent, grand-parent or
adult child of a British citizen.
The adult dependent visa is reserved for those who are in need of long
-term care due to age, disability or illness which can be provided by a
relative in the UK. Unlike other family visas, this visa allows you to
remain in the UK indefinitely as long as you family relative is a British
citizen or has settled status or has been awarded refugee status or humanitarian protection in the UK.
Eligibility and Leave of Stay:
To be eligible you must:
• You must be over the age of 18.
• Provide a large amount of evidence that you do not have adequate
care in your country of origin. You must demonstrate that the care
you need is not available or affordable in the country you live.
• You must be related to the individual who has British citizenship or
settled status in the UK.
• Your relative who you are joining in the UK must be able to support
and accommodate and care for you, without claiming public funds
for at least 5 years.
How We Can Help:
• We can assist you with the initial stages of your application,
including assisting you on gathering the required documents to
support your application.
• We can provide representations to support your application.
• We can assist with all aspects of you case, including if you require assistance to appeal a H.O refusal decision, should your visa
application already have been rejected.